Donate at no extra cost to you while shopping online
If you shop online there is a high chance that you could be raising much-needed funds for Aldbourne Recreation Centre without paying a penny more than the price of your purchases.
By signing up to Easy Fundraising and Amazon Smile you can make free donations at no cost to you or to us.
To start earning donations today just visit our Easy Fundraising page and Amazon Smile and follow the easy sign-up process. Then, next time you are doing your online shopping at a range of online retailers (including eBay, M&S, Argos and Amazon) you will be supporting ARC. If you need any help with the sign-up process, just let us know and we’ll be glad to help.
Charity fundraising has never been so easy!
Become a Friend of ARC
The Friends of ARC are an informal group who support the ARC Project.
Aldbourne is one of the very few villages without recreation and sports facilities – LET’S MAKE IT HAPPEN.
ARC Project Team will keep you informed of progress and activities and always welcomes input from you.
Please get in touch if you would like to find out more about becoming a Friend of ARC.