Aldbourne Recreation Centre (ARC) project team continue to work towards the provision of sporting and recreational facilities utilising the sports field and Palmers Field.

Progress is steady – such projects are never a quick fix (Ramsbury’s superb Sports Centre took almost 25 years from first thoughts to opening to the community.)

The need for the Sports Hut which will provide changing rooms, toilets and  meeting area, is shown by the many groups often playing friendly football there.

The provision of better access and off-road parking will ensure a safer environment for all users and also ensure vehicles will not be parked on Farm Lane or Southward Lane. The car parking area will have cellular paving – a permeable trafficable surface that allows the grass to grow through the cells thereby creating a ‘green’ parking area without the mud and in keeping with the environmental concerns of the community.

The ARC team would welcome members of the community joining the team to help deliver this resource and legacy community project for all ages, all abilities.

If you would like to find out more about the project, please do contact one of the team who would be happy to discuss this important village project with you, or sign up for our newsletter.