
Big New Hut 2016 Calendar

2016 Calender

Just to let you know we have a limited supply of 2016 Aldbourne Calendars for Sale in aid of the Big New Hut.
With NEW photographs of Aldbourne and the surrounding countryside, at £10 Each they make great christmas presents for Friends and Family.

They are available at the Post Office and the Junction or Please let Robin M or Caroline K know if you would like one or more.

Bollywood Nights


Saturday 30th January 2016 will see the Aldbourne Memorial Hall transformed into a festival of colour and dancing as the Big New Hut Fundraisers present Bollywood nights.

Tickets will be kindly available from the Post Office

Emergency Call

You come across an emergency. Please make an emergency call to Skip on 07968 730518 or Linda on 07826 628068 giving the following details…

Great ideas for Aldbourne Recreation & Sports Centre

ore ideas welcome….just send us an email.


The Outdoor all-weather fitness track

–  for all ages & all abilities



A special baked clay surface can be used in all weather conditions.  Away from traffic and public roads, it is idea for all exercise i.e. everyday enjoyment of being out of doors, during convalescence or for measured distance exercise.  See www.


Traversing Walls – Begin the Adventure


Traversing walls are an ideal climbing solution for all ages and abilities. Their relatively low cost and minimal space requirements are attractive where budgets are limited.

 Traversing is essentially climbing sideways at a low level and it follows that at this lower height, there is a reduced level of risk and a lesser requirement for equipment and supervision. These walls are exceptionally popular with young people, offering a fun exercise option. They increase flexibility, spatial awareness and strength, whilst being an adventurous challenge.



Concrete Table Tennis Tables – Weatherproof for Outdoor Use


Outdoor Table Tennis Tables are a great way to create more fun in a park at a very low cost. They are built in the UK and are designed to be suitable in all our climates.  Particularly designed to be situated in a public open space and suitable for all ages and all abilities.Vandal resistant

  • Concrete tables are too heavy to  lift manually
  • Concrete stays flat – they don’t warp  and bend like steel tables
  • Strong and don’t snap like thinner ones


Body Twister – Xerscape


The Body Twister Xerscape station is a fantastic outdoor gym exercise unit, suitable for three persons at the same time.  It improves flexibility and tones abdominals, lower back and hips.

The Body Twister appears within various standard Xerscape combinations, which have been recommended by sports specialists at Staffordshire University and have been specifically designed to improve public health and fitness.



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The Agility Fit range complements the Alfresco Fit outdoor gym items, providing extension exercise opportunities. These non-moving items such as Monkey Bars, Chin Up Bars and Climbing Walls are more so focussed around agility – offering exercises for strength often using own body weight, co-ordination, balance and stretching. If sited individually around a site, interval training cardio activities can be incorporated into an exercise programme.


ARC Planning Application

With advice from Wiltshire Planning, ARC was advised to withdraw their Planning Application, and to re-submit with additional data.  The project team are now working towards fulfilling the requirements and will submit their Planning Application within a year.

Don Davis

ARC will miss the excellent support and advice given by Don Davis who sadly passed away last week. He was very much part of our team and was very keen indeed to see this project come to fruition.

Don had worked with previous working groups endeavouring to establish recreation and sporting facilities in this village and we hope we can fulfil his desire to give this village these facilities.

Phase 1 Progress

Phase 1 Planning Application has been formerly submitted for the ARC access road & car parking area.
A fantastic amount of work has been done by Alan Watson – ARC would not have got this far without his wonderful work on this application.

The waiting game!

ARC’s application for CIO status (Charity Incorporated Organisation) has been submitted after a massive amount of work by Malcolm Pryce and the team.

Great progress is being made to give the village the recreation and sports facilities it really should have…for all ages, all abilities.

2015 Aldbourne Calendar

The fundraising committee of the Big New Hut have put together a wonderful 2015 Aldbourne Calendar. They would make superb Christmas presents for friends and family.

These are high quality, professionally finished, ring bound calendars with photographs taken by fantastic local photographers.
At £10 each they are great value with all profits go to the Big New Hut.

Our hope is that each family associated with the Scout and Guiding groups can sell/buy between 1 and 5 calendars.

Scouts – Please place orders with Robin Morris
Cubs – Please place orders with Philip Dore
Beavers – Please place orders with Elizabeth Morris
Brownies and Seniors (Rangers) – Please place orders with Wendy
Guides – Please place orders with Monica

Alternatively drop a cheque made out to “Aldbourne Scout and Guide Hut” with your name and address to
21 South Street, Aldbourne, SN8 2DW (opposite farm lane) with £10 per calendar.

Hut Calendar Front

Hut Calendar Back