While we’ve been enjoying a summer of fabulous weather, it’s been a busy time for ARC with lots of news to share
Palmers Field Update
We are making good progress with the lease for Palmers Field. Although it’s taking a little longer than we hoped, it’s really important that the least satisfies the needs of Aldbourne Parish Council as well as ARC. We hope to have another meeting with members of the Parish Council this month and hope that we will be able to agree terms of the lease. We will have more news for you in our next newsletter.
Meanwhile, thanks to some funding we have already received, we’ve been working with the Parish council to install a new gate and entrance on to the Southward Lane Playing Field. This will be the entrance to the proposed development on Palmers Field and will replace the old rusty gates that are there at the moment. We’ll let you know when it’s been completed.
Out and About
Thank you to all those who came along and saw us at the Combined Churches fete on the 30th of June. It was a fantastic opportunity for us to chat to people about our plans and answer questions. Apart from giving out information, we were able to add more people to our mailing list, so thank you again for all your interest. Look out for our banner at many more events over the coming months, including the Proms Concert on the Green, on the 4th of August and of course during carnival week.
Congratulations to Aldbourne Band
We would like to congratulate Aldbourne Band on its qualification for the British Open Brass Band Championships. This is a momentous occasion for an amateur village brass band, competing against heavily sponsored organisations, many of whom field professional musicians. The band will be up against the top 17 bands in the Country and from around Europe, and we at ARC want to ensure that our village band has facilities to match, by providing a home for the future for our band, and its youth training programme. An arts and music room for our great band and other local musicians and artists, is a key part of ARC’s proposals along with a modern sports facility and of course the home of a big new hut for the scouts and guides.
Design Concepts
We have been in contact with some leading specialist architects to consider our development proposals. We are pleased to say that we will be having a series of meetings over the next month to decide which architect to team up with and progress to the next stage once a lease has been signed with Aldbourne Parish Council.
Family Picnic and Sports Day
We are very excited to announce that we will be part of the Aldbourne Carnival celebrations this year by hosting a Family Picnic and Sports Day on Palmers Field on Saturday the 25th of August. It’ll be a fantastic day with an opportunity to enjoy a variety of sporting events featuring competitions and demonstrations for all ages and abilities. Whether you take part or just watch the fun, we look forward to seeing you there. All the details will be on a leaflet that we’ll be posting to every house in the village nearer the time.
In our Next Newsletter
Now that things are progressing at quite a pace, we will aim to send out more frequent updates. In our next update we’ll share some exiting funding news as well as details of our AGM and lots more.
Stay in Touch
Thanks again to all our supporters for all their continued commitment; we really appreciate it. As always if you have any questions or suggestions, please do get in contact at:
Also, please do let us know if there is anyone else who would like to receive this newsletter, and don’t forget we are active on social media, so please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram by clicking on the links below.
Many thanks again
Malcolm Pryce, Chairman, Aldbourne Recreation Centre