Newsletter – May 20

Newsletter – May 20

Firstly, I hope you and your families are staying well and safe in our continued lockdown. Like all of us in Aldbourne, I feel very fortunate to be in this wonderful village with all of its open spaces and long walks. 

Although we can’t open the exercise equipment or zip wire yet, it’s great to see so many people enjoying Palmer’s Field. 

We’ve deliberately left most of the field to nature, apart from the mown perimeter and around the young trees that were only planted a few years ago. 

Rosemary & Brian Buckler

Many of you will have known Brian and Rosemary, who both so sadly died last month. They were such enthusiastic supporters of so many aspects of Aldbourne life, and amongst many other organisations in the village, they were directly involved with ARC from the very beginning. They were keen to see the project progress and we were always very grateful to them. They will be sadly missed by everyone in our village and our thoughts are with their family at this time. 

Palmers Field Update

With the continued lockdown it has been a quiet couple of months but we are still attempting to continue discussions with the various key stakeholder groups in virtual meetings. We are also collating feedback we have received so far following the research by Alex Lambert and Eleanor Williamson, although a lot of their work has been hampered by the current situation. We are still encouraging people to complete our online questionnaire which you can find here.

Your views on future plans for Aldbourne Recreation Centre and Palmer’s Field

Please do pass this link to as many local people as you can as the more feedback we get the better. 

Please do let us know if there is anyone else who would like to receive this newsletter every month, and don’t forget we are active on social media, so please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Many thanks again

Malcolm Pryce, 
Chairman, Aldbourne Recreation Centre 


Alastair Greener

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